Electromagnetic Fields – (block C)

Electromagnetic Fields – (block C)
3 YEAR 1 semester 6 CREDITS
Prof. Cecilia Occhiuzzi

2019-20 to 2023-24


Bianco Giulio Maria (2cfu)

Antonio DI NOIA

since 2024-25


Code: 8039513

This course aims to provide the basic principles and models for the representation of electromagnetic transmission and propagation phenomena up to the description of the most common classes of guiding / radiating elements and of the entire wireless communication link.

Students will have understood the principles and the mathematical representation of transmission, irradiation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic waves. At the end of the course the student: – will know the basic methodologies of problem analysis described by the Maxwell Equations; – will know the solution of Maxwell’s equations in terms of plane waves and the propagation, reflection and refraction modes of the latter; – will know the behavior of transmission lines and will be able to use the Smith diagram; he will know the basic guiding structures and the relative modalities he will be able to characterize the irradiated field at great distance from electromagnetic sources; – will know the descriptive quantities of the behavior of the antennas both in transmission and in reception; –

Students will be able to interpret the most common phenomena of electromagnetic propagation in free space and in material means. They will be able to understand qualitatively and quantitatively the phenomena and the peculiar characteristics of radiant and basic guiding structures. Thanks to the use of basic CAD and Matlab type calculation software they will be able to directly analyze the different phenomena covered by the course.

Students will acquire the ability to integrate the knowledge provided with those found autonomously by accessing the scientific literature / datasheet of components. The autonomous and guided development of exercises (also in Matlab / CAD electromagnetic base) will complete the training.

Students will be able to illustrate in a synthetic and analytical way all the topics of the course using equations and schemes. They will communicate quantitatively the resolution of exercises and complex problems, also through basic electromagnetic Matlab / CAD.

Students will have acquired the ability to read and understand scientific texts and datasheets in English for further information on the topics covered by the course and for the resolution of the exercises.



1.Review of vector analysis and complex Algebra
2.Transmission lines: theory and techniques
3. Electrodynamics and Time varying fields.
4.Plane waves.
5.Guided waves.
6. Radiation and antennas.


1.Fields , field operators and Phasors.
Review of vector analysis.
Scalar and vector fields.
Line and surface integrals.
Differential operators: Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Laplacian.
Complex Algebra and Phasor.

2.Transmission lines.
The Lumped-Circuit theory.
Sinusoidal waves on the ideal lossless line.
Characteristic impedance. Power transmitted by a single wave.
Reflection and transmission.
Transmission lines with losses.
Standing wave ratio.
The Smith chart.
Impedance matching techniques.
Practical transmission lines.

3. Electrodynamics and Time varying fields.
Displacement current. The continuity equation.
Faraday’s law.
Boundary conditions for the tangential electric field.
Maxwell’s equations.
Sinusoidal fields.
The skin effect.
Boundary conditions for good conductors.
Electromagnetic waves. The uniform plane wave.
The quasi-static approximation.

4. Plane waves.
Characteristics of plane waves. Polarization of plane waves.
Poynting’s theorem.
Reflection and transmission at normal incidence.
Reflection and transmission at oblique incidence.
Plane waves in lossy media.

5.Guided waves.
TEM waves in transmission lines.
Hollow metal waveguides. TE waves. The TE10 mode. Waveguide losses.
Cavity resonator

6. Radiation and antennas.
Sources of radiation.
Far field parameters
Near field parameters
The elementary dipole. Directivity and gain.
Array basic

Digital Signal Processing – (block C-D)

Digital Signal Processing – (block C-D)
3 YEAR 2 semester 6 CREDITS* – 9 CREDITS (22-23)
Prof. Marina Ruggieri 2019-20


Tommaso Rossi (1cfu)

2020-21 and 2021-22  (6cfu)
2022-23 (9cfu)

2023-24 (9cfu)



Code: 8039514

from Internet Engineering

Scheda di Insegnamento:

*the number of credits depends on your study plan. The Study plans A.Y. 22-23 changed in this way: DSP 9 CREDITS


LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims at providing to the students the theoretical and practical tools for the development of design capabilities and implementation awareness of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems and applications.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students are envisaged to understand the DSP theoretical, design and algorithm elements and to be able to apply them in design exercises.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students are envisaged to apply broadly and, if applicable, to personalize the design techniques and algorithm approaches taught during the lessons.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Students are envisaged to provide a reasoned description of the design and algorithm techniques and tools, with proper integrations and links.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Students are envisaged to describe analytically the theoretical elements and to provide a description of the design techniques and the algorithm steps, also providing eventual examples.

LEARNING SKILLS: Students are envisaged to deal with design tools and manuals. The correlation of topics is important, particularly when design trade-offs are concerned.


PART I – Discrete-time signals and systems; sampling process; Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT); Z-transform; Discrete Fourier Series (DFS).
PART II – Processing algorithms: introduction to processing; Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT); finite and long processing; DFT-based Processing; Fast Fourier Transform (FFT); processing with FFT.
PART III – Filter Design: introduction to digital filters: FIR and IIR classification; structures, design and implementation of IIR and FIR filters; analysis of finite word length effects; DSP system design and applications;
PART IV – Random sequences; processing of random sequences with digital filters; introduction to random sequence estimation; estimators of mean, variance and auto-covariance of random sequences with performance analysis; power spectrum estimation; periodogram and performance analysis; smoothed estimators of the power spectrum and performance analysis; use of FFT in power spectrum estimation.


High Performance Electronics – (block B)

High Performance Electronics – (block B)
3 YEAR 1 semester 6 CREDITS
Prof. Giancarlo Bartolucci since 2019-20
  Code: 8037963

Educational objectives

LEARNING OUTCOMES: the main purpose is to provide methods of analysis and design for high frequency components and circuits.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: the student should be able to understand and know the methods of analysis and design studied in the course.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: the student should be able to apply the models of the studied components to the design of high-frequency circuits.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: in the mathematical model of a component, the student should be able to find by himself the basic assumptions and the corresponding introduced physical approximations.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: the student should be able to discuss the topics studied in the course with mathematical rigor and using the proper terms.

LEARNING SKILLS: if necessary, the student should be able to significantly and autonomously increase his knowledge of the topics analyzed in the course.


The analysis methods of the lumped element networks. The most common devices and circuits used in the low frequency analogue electronics. The theory of transmission lines.


  1. Introduction
  2. Scattering parameters.

Definition in the general case. The lossless case. The two-port network case.

3.Two-port networks.
The ABCD matrix and its properties for the representation of two-port networks. The relationships between the ABCD parameters and the scattering parameters.

  1. Planar realization of lines.
    The microstrip line. The coplanar line. The most widely used discontinuities
    for these two structures.
  2. Realization of microwave integrated circuits.
    The hybrid integrated circuit configuration. The monolithic integrated circuit configuration.
  3. Three-port networks.
    The general theorem for the three-port networks. The Wilkinson divider.
  4. Four-port networks.
    The branch-line divider. The rat-race divider. The coupled-line structure.
  5. Microwave amplifiers.
    Some linear amplifiers: the balanced configuration and the distributed configuration. The non linear effects in power amplifiers, and their memoryless modeling.
  6. Switches.
    The p-i-n diode and the microelectromechanical switches. The single pole single throw (SPST) switch and the single pole double throw (SPDT) switch.
  7. Phase shifters.
    The switched-line configuration. The reflection phase shifter. The loaded line topology. The distributed configuration.


David Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, Wiley.
S.K.Koul and B.Bhat, “Microwave and Millimetre-wave Phase Shifters vol II”, Artech House 1991.

Experimental Electronics – (block B-D)

Experimental Electronics – (block B-D)
3 YEAR 2 semester 6 CREDITS
Prof. Lucio Scucchia 2019-20
Patrick Longhi 2024-25
  Code: 8037959

The fundamental purpose of this course is to provide students the necessary knowledge concerning the practical aspects of the use of measuring instruments, assembly of circuits, and the limits of the most common components and integrated circuits. It is important to observe, that the objectives of a normal course of electronics are to some extent different from those of this course. In fact, generally the goal is basically the understanding the operation of the various circuits proposed. For the experimental electronics course, on the contrary, the fundamental purpose is the synthesis or the project. In other words, choosing the right components of a circuit so that it behaves in the way you want.

Understanding of the practical aspects necessary for using the most commonly used measuring instruments, basic electronic configurations, and the most used integrated circuits.

Ability to use the introduced measuring instruments, to design and to implement the electronic circuits examined during the course.

Education for an independent evaluation, as it is necessary for verifying, through measurements, the synthesized electronic circuits implemented during the course. Furthermore, the reasoning is stimulated for the identification of all those errors in which the student may incur in phase of synthesis, implementation and measurement.

The communication between the learner and the teacher is stimulated and refined during the course, as there is ample room for questions from students who need to know how to combine the theoretical and practical aspects of the proposed experiments.

The course is based on learning a series of preparatory elements. This requires the learning of a certain number of notions necessary to solve the experiments of the next lesson.


General concepts related to the use of measuring instruments present in the laboratory (multimeter, power supply, signal generator, oscilloscope).
Passive filters.
Diode circuits. Synthesis of small-signal amplifiers. Concepts related to the power amplifiers, class A, B and AB.
BJT current sources. Concepts related to sinusoidal oscillators. Structure and operation of operational amplifiers, and their applications. Structure and operation of voltage regulators, and their applications. Structure and operation of timers, and their applications.

Energy Systems – (block A-D)

Energy Systems – (block A-D)
3 YEAR 2 semester 6 CREDITS
Michele MANNO since 2019-20


Code: 8037964


After completing the course, the students should acquire a good knowledge of the fundamental operating principles of energy conversion systems, and they should be able to analyze the layout and evaluate the performance and efficiency of thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

Students are expected to understand the fundamental principles underlying the operation of energy conversion systems.

Students are expected to be able to assess the performance of energy conversion systems.

Students are expected to be able to choose the most suitable energy conversion system and its operating parameters, given a particular application.

Students are expected to be able to describe and illustrate the operating principles of energy conversion systems.

Students are expected to be able to read and fully understand technical literature related to energy conversion systems.


Students will be introduced to the main principles of energy conversion systems, with particular reference to steam and gas turbine power plants, combined cycle power plants,
hydroelectric power generation.

More specifically, the following topics will be addressed:


  • Review of fluid properties and equations of state.
  • Analysis of combustion processes.
  • Analysis of energy conversion systems based on 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.
  • Thermodynamic cycles: definition of network output and thermal efficiency; external and internal irreversibilities; efficiency factors.

Steam power plants

  • Analysis of ideal and real thermodynamic cycles.
  • Choice of operating parameters.
  • Techniques to improve plant efficiency: steam reheating, regenerative feed heating.
  • Plant layouts, applications.

Gas turbine power plants

  • Analysis of ideal and real thermodynamic cycles.
  • Choice of operating parameters and techniques to improve performance: regenerative heat exchanger, reheaters, intercoolers.
  • Layout of heavy-duty and aeroderivative turbines, applications.

Combined cycle power plants

  • Analysis of “topping” (gas turbine) and “bottoming” sections, definition of recovery efficiency.
  • Thermodynamic optimization of bottoming sections with variable temperature heat input.
  • Plant layout, applications.

Hydroelectric power generation

  • Hydraulic turbines: classification, operating parameters, performance characteristics.
  • Hydroelectric plant classification and layouts, applications.