Formative Activities

Formative Activities

Formative Activities” (FAs) are mandatory didactic activities where students are followed by tutors on specific assignments. Experimental, numerical, and theoretical activities may be considered based on the tutor’s knowledge, skills, and availability.

To start a Formative Activity, the student must contact a university tutor, chosen among the Bachelor in Engineering Sciences professors, asking for his/her support in undertaking this task. At the end of the assignment, the tutor chosen will sign off the “Formative Activity Form” stating the acquisition of the related credits.

The credits of FAs are acquired without a mark.

Internal and external internships (managed by the related university office) may cover FAs as well as ERASMUS activities.

FAs consist of 3 credits (=75 hours) of assisted work under the tutor’s responsibility or covered by the internship. The studies and any other results from FAs, in terms of data, experiments, or skills, may be used to prepare for the final exam. In that case, the student can also ask the same tutor to be his/her supervisor in the final exam.

The final exam involves acquiring 6 credits (=150 hours) which must be added to the FAs. A student is accepted to the graduation session if one professor of the Bachelor in Engineering Sciences signs off the form (by the central secretariat) where that professor states that the candidate is able to undertake the final exam. For the final exam, the student may provide a written document (Thesis) and must provide a presentation that has been previously approved by a professor of the Bachelor.

Typically, the final mark of the Graduation Commission (up to 7 points maximum) depends on the typology and quality of the documents the students provide at the final exam. Students who provide the presentation without a written document (Thesis) rarely earn more than 1-2 points;

A bibliographic Thesis can get up to 3-4 points, whereas research studies with a written Thesis may aspire to the maximum number of points.

It is a normal procedure, but not a mandate, to associate an FAs and the final exam to the same professor, who will be the tutor of the FAs and the supervisor of the final exam. Considering the high number of work hours required (75+150), if a student opts for this choice, it is highly recommended to contact the desired professor promptly, 4 to 6 months before the expected graduation date.

Schedule 1 Semester

Schedule 1 Semester – Engineering Sciences

1st YEAR
9.30-10.15 FCH FCH MAI FCH
10.30-11.15 FCH FCH MAI FCH
11.30-12.15 MAI MAI EE
12.30-13.15 MAI MAI EE
14.00-14.45 EE ENGL MAI
15.00-15.45 EE ENGL MAI
MAI Math. Anal. I Aula B3
FCH Fund. Chem. Aula B3
EE Eng. Econom. Aula B3
ENGL English Aula B3


2nd YEAR
9.30-10.15 PHYII MAII ENA
10.30-11.15 PHYII MAII ENA
11.30-12.15 ENA PHYII PHYII
12.30-13.15 ENA PHYII PHYII
14.00-14.45 MAII ENA
15.00-15.45 MAII ENA
16.00-16.45 MAII
17.00-17.45 MAII
MAII Math. Anal. II Aula 8
ENA El. Net. An. Aula 8
PHYII Physics II Aula 8


3rd YEAR
9.30-10.15 FM KDM
10.30-11.15 FM KDM
11.30-12.15 KDM EF/HPE DE
12.30-13.15 KDM EF/HPE DE
14.00-14.45 EF KDM DE FM/HPE
15.00-15.45 EF KDM DE FM/HPE
16.00-16.45 DE
17.00-17.45 DE
DE Digital El. Aula 9
KDM Kin. Dyn. Mech. Aula 9
FM Fluid Machin. Aula 9
EF Electom. Fields Aula 9
HPE High Perf. El. Gio Aula 10; Ven Aula 11

Welcome Office 2022

Welcome Office 2022

We are very happy to announce that the Students Welcome 2022 will be held in presence!

The Students Welcome is a traditional event taking place in the first weeks of the new academic year dedicated to welcoming and orientation activities for all new students arriving at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Dates: 5 – 23 September 2022
Time: Monday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00


International students will be supported and tutored in filling the Stay Permit (2 Stay Permit sessions every day: at 10.30 am and at 12.30 am), Health Insurance, and Pass card for transportation in Rome modules.

There will be several stands that will grant students information regarding activities and organizations available at the campus of #unitorvergata or in the city of Rome.

Furthermore, this year our Buddy students will help new students become familiar with the campus, they will facilitate the understanding of the didactic organization and will address new students to the competent offices for specific issues.

How to update your residence permit

How to update your residence permit

Contact the Secretariat Student of Engineering by Video call (Didactic building)

( for:

  1. Validation of Enrollment
  2. Recognition of residence permit

First of all, you must UPLOAD the following documents to Delphi:

  • Residence permit (for non-EU students with a qualification obtained in Italy)
  • identification document
  • passport-size photo

After that bring with you during the video call

  • SERIAL number and the original documents uploaded to the Delphi

TIME SCHEDULE FOR VIDEO CALLS from Monday 27 September

  • Monday from 9:30 to 12:00
  • Wednesday from 9:30 to 12:00
  • Friday from 9:30 to 12:00

CONNECTION TO THE LINK (BOOKING IS NOT NECESSARY), join the meeting and wait in the “Waiting Room” (10-20 minutes) of MS Teams. Now you can proceed with point 2ENROLLMENT by DELPHI System:

REGISTRATION PROCEDURE> 2. You have already filled out an application

It is possible to proceed with the APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION in the following cases:

  • Has passed the Admission Test (Course of Study With Limited Number of Access)
  • Has finished the Mandatory Assessment Test for admission to the Degree Course (3 Years) for Open Access;
  • Has received the Clearance for the Enrollment to the Master Degree (2 years) after the evaluation of curricular requirements

at the end of the procedure, print and pay the invoice, then contact the Student Secretariat again using TEAMS to validate it.