Procedures from January to March 2022

Covid-19 update: Lessons, Exams, Graduation, etc – New Procedures Starting January 7

UPDATE from April 2022


🇮🇹 Italian versionEnglish version

The recent increase in covid-19 infections has prompted the Lazio Region to bring the Region back to the Yellow Zone: the state of emergency has been extended until March 31, 2022.

Below are the new measures that will be adopted by the University for the months of January and February 2022: the goal is to safeguard teaching continuity for the benefit of students who are unable to participate in presence teaching or curricular activities, allowing them to participate remotely.

The following measures, adopted as a matter of urgency, are subject to updating on the basis of further governmental and/or ministerial provisions:


The teaching activity will be carried out in mixed mode, in presence or remotely, in order to guarantee everyone the opportunity to participate remotely through the live streaming of the lessons.

For those who intend to attend in person, access will be allowed up to the maximum number of seats available in the classrooms.

The number of places available has been redefined in compliance with the safety protocols aimed at safeguarding and protecting the health of all members of the university community by restoring the distance of at least one meter.

The control over the number of accesses will be guaranteed by booking on the “Delphiportal, which will limit access to usable seats for each classroom.

Faculties are required to adopt the planning of teaching activities in compliance with these guidelines, taking into account their own internal needs.

The booking of face-to-face lessons through the “Delphi” portal can be made from at least 4 days before the date of the lesson you intend to attend until the day before and until all seats are available.

Online booking implies that the student is signing a mandatory self-certification on the state of health and compliance with the rules imposed by the safety protocols.

For access to the classrooms and other premises of the University, teachers and students must be in possession of the green pass and wear the FFP2 mask.

Medical Area :

:Update:: For professionalizing courses in the medical area in which compulsory attendance is required, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine guarantees, in compliance with the MUR Guidelines, maximum attendance in all theoretical and practical activities of all courses.

Remote lessons will be guaranteed to students positive for COVID-19 or in quarantine (certified by medical certification) or for foreign students who are unable to return to Italy.

Exams – Written and Oral

The exams will be held in a mixed mode in order to ensure that all students who request it have the opportunity to take the exam via Teams.

The reasons why students can apply to take the online exam are the following:

– Covid positive students;
Quarantined students;
– students from outside Rome;
frail students or frail family situations;
foreign students unable to return to Italy;

The conditions described above must be self-declared on “Delphi” while registering for the exam. Registration will be guaranteed up to two days before the date of the exam itself.

If one of the reasons listed above occurs to the student after test registration deadline (two days before) if the student is regularly enrolled in the exam on Delphi, it will be possible to submit a justified request to take the test remotely via Microsoft Teams.

This request must be sent to the President of the Examination Commission who, having assessed the adequacy and objective feasibility of the same, will be able to accept the request.

The exams can be carried out in person only if the premises guarantee a safe distance. Students can access all the exam sessions available within each exam session.

::Update:: Teachers who are in quarantine, isolation, or in a situation of fragility or family fragility, can carry out the exam sessions exclusively online. In this case, they must promptly inform the students that the exams will take place remotely.

Curricular and Educational Activities (Laboratories, Internships, Thesis, etc)

To help students who are unable to participate in educational or curricular activities (Laboratories, Internships, Thesis, etc) and for students with disabilities and specific learning disabilities, when possible, curricular and didactic activities can be carried out remotely.

All training activities, curricular activities, and any other test or verification that are functional to the completion of the educational path will be recovered.

The absences accumulated by the students are not counted for the purposes of any admission to final exams as well as for the purposes of the related assessments.

For courses that take place mainly remotely, it will be possible to maintain the exams electronically through the Teams platform and the procedures already in use at the University.

Final Test/Exams (Graduation, etc)

The final tests for the attainment of the qualifications (ex. Graduation) will be carried out in mixed mode.

Those who opt for the in-presence mode can bring up to a maximum of two companions for each student (the companions must be in possession of a green pass and must wear FFp2 masks).

In presence modality can be implemented as long as distance and any other safety measures are always guaranteed in relation to the number of undergraduates. The evaluation will be carried out by the Faculty Dean / Macroarea Coordinator.

The reasons why students can apply to take the final exam online are the following:

– Covid positive students;
Quarantined students;
– students from outside Rome;
frail students or frail family situations;
foreign students unable to return to Italy;

To prove the reasons listed above, self-certifications on Delphi will be accepted.

Libraries and Study Areas

The number of places available will be redefined in compliance with safety protocols aimed at safeguarding and protecting the health of all members of the university community by restoring the distance of at least one meter.

Safety Rules

Following the principle of individual and collective safety, presence on the university premises can only take place according to the following rules that students, teachers, and staff are required to respect under their personal responsibility:

  • wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use the special dispensers of sanitizing solutions;
  • if you have symptoms of fever (over 37.5 °), cough, breathing difficulties, or other symptoms such as diffuse myalgias, ageusia (lack of taste), and anosmia (loss of smell), you must stay at your home and immediately contact your doctor. General Medicine (or the Continuity Care Service) or, in case of severe symptoms, call 118;
  • keep the distance of at least 1 meter and avoid crowding situations;
  • in the classrooms, occupy only the seats/positions allowed, marked with specific signs, in order to allow the maintenance of an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter;
  • when you are in the university common areas (classrooms, laboratories, corridors, etc.) it is necessary to always wear an FFP2 mask and proceed with frequent ventilation;
  • avoid shaking hands and hugs and touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • respect the dedicated information signs (entry and exit routes and those provided for internal movements), in order to implement the most effective measures to prevent gatherings;
  • sneeze and cough by covering the nose and mouth with the crook of the elbow or with disposable handkerchiefs.

Report a Case

If you are aware of anyone becoming positive for COVID-19 who has accessed the University please inform immediately the Covid 19 University Agent at the address