Welcome to Engineering Sciences!
The Engineering Macro-Area is organising the annual basic math pre-courses for new students to better prepare for the beginning of the first semester classes. The pre-courses are not mandatory but highly recommended and concern maths and geometry.
The classes will be held from 16 to 23 September, with theory lessons in the morning from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM and exercises in the afternoon from 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM (CEST time zone).
Course Programme
Date | Topic |
Friday 16/09/2022 | Radicals & Absolute values |
Monday 19/09/2022 | Exponentials & Logarithms |
Tuesday 20/09/2022 | Equations & Inequalities |
Wednesday 21/09/2022 | Analytic geometry |
Thursday 22/09/2022 | Trigonometry & Vectors |
Friday 23/09/2022 | Test & Correction |
Any changes to the program will be communicated through this website.
How to participate
The lessons will be held in classroom C2 of the “DIDATTICA building” of Engineering Macro-Area.
The classes will also be streamed at this link on the university’s Microsoft Teams platform.
If you are already enrolled in Engineering Sciences, you must activate your Microsoft Office 365 account on delphi.uniroma2.it in your “Other Services” section. Then, you can download and use the Microsoft Teams platform with all other software of Microsoft Office 365. Please follow the instructions on the university website at this link. Next, you can open MS Teams app and join the pre-courses Teams “Basic Mathematics AY2022/2023 ” by clicking on the top-right button “Join a team” and inserting the code avc0vdz or by sending a joining request by clicking this link.
If you are not enrolled yet, you can follow the classes by pasting the following link on your web browser (only Google Chrome):
For all information regarding the pre-courses, please write to:
Good Study!
The Tutoring Group of the School of Engineering