The New service of Tor Vergata University of Rome to calculate the “Iseeu parificato”

Students residing outside Italy or residing in Italy but not independent of a household resident abroad can calculate the “ISEE parificato” value in order to benefit from social benefits depending on the family’s economic situation for the academic year 2022/2023.

The ISEE parificato is the tool used by the University to measure the economic and financial situation of both students residing abroad and non-independent students residing in Italy whose family unit lives abroad and whose income is earned in their country of origin.

The Tor Vergata University of Rome has activated a new internal service for its students that calculates the “ISEEU parificato”, for free, to all students who need it. Please note: the Iseeu parificato calculated through the University service can be used only for Tor Vergata University purposes.

If you want to submit the Iseeu parificato for the academic year 2022/2023, follow the steps below:

1. please fill in the following form by 9th November 2022:;

2. starting from 10th November 2022 you will receive an invitation by email to insert your data and your documents on a platform in order to calculate the Iseeu parificato online;

Below is the list of the documents to be uploaded on the platform:

a)   Family Status – the composition of your family unit, indicating surname, first name, date of birth, and kinship/relationship to all members of your family.

b)   Income of each family member (2020 – 2021) and/or any other amounts received from the public administration bodies in the form of social benefits. In the event of divorce, any sum you received or have paid as maintenance of children.

c)   The real estate and movable assets of each family member (2020 – 2021). As for the real estate assets relating to buildings, if they are owned in Italy, it is necessary to submit the “visura catastale” to determine their value. Otherwise, the buildings are valued on the basis of the conventional value of 500 euros per square meter. The absence of assets must be explicitly stated in the documentation. In addition, if the family unit lives in a rented house, the value of the rent per year must be indicated in the rental contract.

d)   As far as movable assets are concerned, they consist of the balance as at 31/12/2021 and the average balance for 2020 of current accounts, deposits, bank and/or postal passbooks held abroad and in Italy, as well as the balance as at 31/12/2021 for all other types of investments (securities, shares, life insurance, etc.).

These documents need to be issued by the competent authorities in the country where the incomes are produced. They must also be officially translated by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities of that country along with the income expressed in Euros.

In those countries where obtaining such documents is difficult, the documentation may be requested at the foreign diplomatic Authorities in Italy and certified by the Prefecture in accordance with art. 33 DPR no. 445 dated 28th December 2000.

3. The University will calculate the “Iseeu parificato” and your Delphi page will be updated.


• If you already have either an “Iseeu parificato” issued by a CAF or an “ISEEU parificato” for laziodisco you can upload it along with the related documents by filling in the form:

• If you already have an Iseeu Parificato and have also already sent it to, please wait until the page on Delphi “Tuition Fees Management” is uploaded.

For all details about tuition fees, read the Student Handbook 22/23 (chapter 7).

For any request please send an email to:

Kind Regards,
Welcome Office