
Self-assessment test

The purpose of this self-assessment test is to help understand in which basic maths topics one already has adequate skills and in which, on the other hand, one needs to improve their knowledge and abilities. These topics constitute a representative set of topics that are often more problematic for many first-year students.

When ready, attempt the test:

After that, check the solutions:

Precalculus courses

The Engineering Macro-Area organizes annual basic maths pre-courses for new students to better prepare for the beginning of the first semester classes. The pre-courses are not mandatory but highly recommended and concern maths and geometry.

The classes will be held in September.

  • 16-20 September 2024
  • room C2

Course programme

The classes will be held from 16/09/2024 to 20/09/2024, divided into morning sessions (from 10:00 to 13:00) and afternoon sessions (from 14:30 to 17:00). There will be no afternoon session on 20/09/2024.

The course is divided into five modules:

Module 1: Radicals and Absolute Values

Module 2: Exponentials and Logarithms

Module 3: Equations and Inequalities

Module 4: Analytic Geometry

Module 5: Trigonometry and Vectors


Any changes to the program will be communicated through this website.

How to participate

The lessons will take place in person at the Engineering Didactic Building and online via this link1 on the university’s Microsoft Teams platform.

If you encounter any issues accessing the link, please try link2 using the following credentials:

Meeting ID: 373 955 661 541

Passcode: xdjMHr

Slides of the course:–Tb

Contact For information regarding the pre-courses, please write to