Welcome Office 2022

We are very happy to announce that the Students Welcome 2022 will be held in presence!
The Students Welcome is a traditional event taking place in the first weeks of the new academic year dedicated to welcoming and orientation activities for all new students arriving at Tor Vergata University of Rome.
Dates: 5 – 23 September 2022
Time: Monday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/T435kMXnHq
International students will be supported and tutored in filling the Stay Permit (2 Stay Permit sessions every day: at 10.30 am and at 12.30 am), Health Insurance, and Pass card for transportation in Rome modules.
There will be several stands that will grant students information regarding activities and organizations available at the campus of #unitorvergata or in the city of Rome.
Furthermore, this year our Buddy students will help new students become familiar with the campus, they will facilitate the understanding of the didactic organization and will address new students to the competent offices for specific issues.
Courses in Italian language – CLICI
How to update your residence permit.

Contact the Secretariat Student of Engineering by Video call (Didactic building)
(http://ing.uniroma2.it/area-studenti/segreteria-studenti/)only for:
- Validation of Enrollment
- Recognition of residence permit
Lessons and exams for the current academic year (2020-2021)

All lessons and exams for the current academic year (2020-2021) will take place ONLINE ONLY. On-site lessons and exams for the upcoming semester are not allowed. Students may submit an on-site graduation request to the Faculty. Should the Faculty approve such request, only the candidate and two more people will be allowed to attend the on-site graduation session.
The Faculty is currently reviewing the possibility to offer some courses in dual mode: that is to say, the lesson will take place on-site and online via MS Teams at the same time. Students may decide to attend the lesson on-site or online as they wish. Should dual-mode lessons be approved, further instructions will be given in due course.