Present your request for a “Thesis assignment” that must be signed by your supervisor and the Coordinator of this Course (Prof. Fabrizio Quadrini). Please remind to send the copy signed to
a. Thesis-Assignment-ES-2025-SURNAME-ID
APPLY ON DELPHI (60 to 30 days before the Graduation Session)
Apply for “Admission to the Degree Examination” on DELPHI – access to your Page, or select from the first page Point 4 “Manage Career On-line and click on option 1 “Access to Student Section (Area Studenti)”.
- Apply from Delphi “Gestione domanda di laurea”, “Manage graduation request”;
- Once you have completed your DELPHI Degree Application, you will have one week to forward it by email to;
- The “Dichiarazione di assegnazione Tesi di Laurea/Lavoro finale”, with the final title of the thesis and signature of the supervisor, can be sent 15 to 5 days before;
- Be sure to have already submitted your Study Plan during your studies at (DO NOT SEND AGAIN ANOTHER STUDY PLAN):
(Website of Macroarea Engineering: Secretariat for Engineering Students)
- You can apply until 30 days before the date of the graduation. After this date it will no longer be possible to submit an application.
- If you have some issue with your STAY PERMIT advise the Secretariat Student Office of Engineering as soon as possible.
- The last exam can be taken and registered at the latest 30-20 days before graduation.
to the “STUDENT SECRETARIAT of the Engineering Macro-area“
Send the following documents to
Within the date of the degree session:
- by 25 days:
- Scanning of the Degree Application “Domanda di Laurea” (signed by student)
- Scanning of the identification document
- by 15 days:
- “Dichiarazione di assegnazione tesi/lavoro finale” – Graduation Thesis / Final assignment declaration (as soon as the teacher confirms the final qualification) (download from Delphi)
- by 5 days:
(fill in the form with the definitive title of the Thesis; send it to the Supervisor to complete it (signature of supervisor, SSD, etc..). Send the completed form to
Upload thesis Ita – Upload thesis Ing (within five days from the date of graduation)
Send the following documents to Simona Ranieri –
- Fill in the form for the Thesis-Assignment-ES-2025-SURNAME-ID (2-3 months before graduation)
- Fill in the form for the “FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES*” by 15 days before the date of the graduation session (at the end of your thesis work). This is the time spent on your thesis work. This has to be signed by the supervisor.
- Fill in the form with your consent for using your data and information (privacy – decree 196/2003).
- Send a copy of your presentation in pdf.
*The “Formative Activities” (3 credits = 75 hours) refer to the preparation for the final degree exam. The student must refer to a teacher as a Supervisor to agree on a topic for developing the degree thesis, which will be presented in the final exam.
The “Final Exam” is the presentation of your Thesis. According to the bachelor’s degree program structure for Engineering Sciences, the thesis is worth six credit points.
If you intend to withdraw from your graduation exam, you must inform the Student Office of Engineering and the Didactic Office in time and cancel your request on Delphi. The same procedure applies if you fail to pass one or more outstanding exams.
If you have already paid the Invoice (in a previous session), you have to pay for a new one.
Please rename the files below with your SURNAME, Name, ID.
ES-FormativeActivities-SURNAME-Name-ID (3 CREDITS)
Personal data and information (privacy – decree 196/2003)
Further information
- Calendar
- Rules for calculation of the graduation grade – Engineering Sciences 2023-11 (change from the A.Y. 2025-26)
- Graduation parchment (after two years)