Academic Year 2013-2014 committee: 1st graduate session on July 29, 2014 – room “Leonardo” Michiel Bertsch Vittoria De Nitto Francesco Martinelli Roberto Paolesse President: R. Verzicco Supervisor Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Maria Antico Italian Penne (PE), 21 Dec 1991 Roberto Verzicco Thesis topic: Role of Computational simulations in heart valve dynamics and design of valvular prostheses Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Elena Arcari italian Roma, 6 Sept 1992 Francesco Martinelli Thesis topic: Modeling and optimization of production processes:lessons from traffic dynamics Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Davide Brambilla italian Vimercate (MB), 22 May 1992 Vincenzo Mulone Thesis topic: State of charge control for renewable energy fed microgrids Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Giorgio Fagioli italian Roma, 01 nov 1992 Roberto Verzicco Thesis topic: Mathematical methodologies for the resolution of navier-stokes equationds: stokes’s first and second problem Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Antonio Loquercio italian Napoli, 26 March 1992 Francesco Martinelli Thesis topic: A comparison between extended and unscented kalman filter in robotics Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Luca Marinangeli italian Roma, 21 july 1992 Giuseppe Tomassetti Thesis topic: Multiphysics simulation by the finite-element method committee: 2nd graduate session on Nov 12, 2014 – room “Archimede” Michele Manno Lucio Scucchia Fabrizio Quadrini Fronzetti Colladon andrea Giuseppe Balestrino President: G. Balestrino Supervisor Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Filippo patruno Italian Roma, 28 Sept 1992 Michele Manno Thesis topic: Effect of turbo-compounding technology on the performance of internal combustion engines committee: 3rd graduate session on Feb 25, 2015 – room “Archimede” Giancarlo Bartolucci Marco E. Biancolini Cristiano M. Verrelli Lucio Scucchia President: R. Verzicco Supervisor Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Camilla Massacesi Italian Roma, 22 nov 1992 Roberto Verzicco Thesis topic: Energy Conversion Technologies for Biomass fuelled small-systems committee: 4th graduate session on Apr 28, 2015 – room “Archimede” Roberto Paolesse Ginpaolo Oriolo Paolo Colantonio Stefano Cordoner President: R. Verzicco Supervisor CATALDI Alessandro Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Alessandro CATALDI Italian Rome, 29/09/1992 Gianpaolo Oriolo Thesis topic: Optimization methods for restaurant revenue management HABIB Hasnain Student: nationality: place and date of birth: e-mail: Hasnai HABIB Pakistan 05/08/1990 Roberto Verzicco Thesis topic: Shape optimisation of an Automotive Rim using FEA and mesh marphing